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Spirulina Chlorella PLUS

Calivita Spirulina Chlorella PLUS
Fruits of the Sea
100 tablets

food supplement

Spirulina Chlorella PLUS contains everything which is indispensable for an up-to-date alga formula. We have complemented the two precious denominator algae with wheat grass, alfalfa, as well as a proprietary blend containing valuable “green” ingredients and antioxidants – like Aloe vera or lycopene extract.
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32.90 €
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Spirulina Chlorella PLUS wheatgrass, alfalfa, dandelion, lutein, black radish, aloe and broccoli

Spirulina Chlorella PLUS
Complex alkalizing preparation

To whom and when do we recommend it?


Spirulina with Chlorella for immunity and vitality

Spirulina Chlorella PLUS contains everything which is indispensable for an up-to-date alga formula. We have complemented the two precious denominator algae with wheat grass, alfalfa, as well as a proprietary blend containing valuable “green” ingredients and antioxidants – like Aloe vera or lycopene extract.

Certain algae species have most likely been offering valuable nutrients to mankind from time immemorial. However, in Europe everyday consumption of algae is not widespread as of yet but very popular in the Asian, African, Cuban and Mexican cuisines also. The Western world has taken note of them only recently, as traditional Eastern medicines and natural solutions have come to the limelight again, but the promising results of scientific research into algae have also contributed to their appreciation.

Both spirulina and chlorella alga are very rich in valuable proteins, whose ratio may be enhanced to 70% when powdered. That is exactly why these two algae are excellent protein sources, which are very easy to digest. Therefore, they are utilized very easily. Algae species have outstanding iodine content and thus their consumption may be especially useful in continental areas (in Europe approximately 435 million people have inadequate iodine intake*). Iodine is indispensable for the production of thyroid hormones, adequate metabolism, energy production processes as well as the preservation of the health of hair, skin and nails. Their third important component is the already well-known chlorophyll, which renders these two algae important complements of detoxifying and alkalizing cures.

In addition spirulina and chlorella are rich sources of vitamins, minerals as well as fibers, so they support health effectively.

How do the active ingredients of Spirulina Chlorella PLUS work?

  • increases the vitality and energy of the body
  • supports immunity

  • has a positive effect on the body's natural defenses
  • supports weight control

Cabbage, spinach, parsley, Brussels sprouts, aloe, broccoli, wheatgrass, alfalfa

The composition of the product has also been enriched with "green foods", including cabbage, spinach, parsley, Brussels sprouts, aloe leaves, broccoli, wheatgrass, alfalfa leaves, which, in line with the global trend of "green foods", mean natural food products (some types algae and vegetables), showing a nourishing, cleansing effect, strengthening the immune system and conditioning the maintenance of a proper acid-base balance.

Cleansing diet

The new formula of Spirulina Chlorella PLUS is a recommended addition to deacidification, cleansing or vegetarian diets, which:
  • helps helps digestion (bowel movements)
  • eliminates unpleasant body odors
  • assist weight loss
  • strengthens the immune system
  • maintaining proper acid-base balance.

Who do we especially recommend?

  • People who care about maintaining a proper acid-base balance.
  • People who want to support the proper functioning of the digestive tract.
  • People who want to support the proper functioning of the liver.
  • To all people, to strengthen immunity.
  • For the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels.
  • People who are on a diet during a slimming treatment.
  • As a support for a cleansing diet.
  • People who eat irrationals.
  • To supplement the essential amino acids.

Did you know that ... chlorella also has antioxidant properties?
Spirulina Chlorella

Algae - a source of iodine for the thyroid gland

Algae contain easily digestible iodine necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which play a key role in regulating the basal metabolism and thermogenesis, and also determine the proper development and functioning of the brain and nervous system (in Europe, about 435 million people have insufficient iodine intake) *. Another advantage of algae is the necessary fiber and chlorophyll, thanks to which both spirulina and chlorella are an ideal addition to deacidifying and cleansing diets. In this way, the body can get rid of substances that disturb the metabolism and the proper activity of the immune system. Chlorophyll, often called the "concentrated power of the sun", supports the work of the intestines and reduces unpleasant body odors. With the help of a diet rich in algae, attempts are also made to aid weight loss. In fact, blue-green spirulina has been found to contain chemicals that suppress the appetite and may have a beneficial effect on blood glucose levels in some people.

*Iodine deficiency in Europe, A continuing public health problem, WHO, ISBN 978 92 4 159396 0

food supplement Calivita: Spirulina Chlorella PLUS

100 tablets


1 tablet daily

Spirulina Chlorella PLUS active ingredients

Spirulina Powder 250 mg
Chlorella Powder 250 mg
Wheat grass powder 100 mg
Alfalfa leaf powder 100 mg
Proprietary blend 140 mg
Celery seed powder 15 mg
Kelp Powder 15 mg
Cabbage Powder 15 mg
Spinach Powder 15 mg
Dandelion Root Powder 15 mg
Parsley Powder 15 mg
Lutein Extract 10 mg
Lycopene Extract 10 mg
Brussel Sprouts Leaf Powder 10 mg
Black Radish Root Powder 10 mg
Aloe Vera Powder 5 mg
Broccoli Powder 5 mg

Inactive ingredients
Other ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, calcium carbonate, stearic acid, silica, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, chlorophyllin, carnauba wax.
  • Those suffering from thyroid disorder please seek medical advice before applying the formula.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: Spirulina Chlorella PLUS, Calivita, chlorella, kelp, algae

Spirulina and Chlorella - Green Treasures for Our Health

According to some estimations the algae living in natural waters gives the greater amount of the whole living mass on Earth, so they are available in incredible amounts. Their usage is very extensive, not only does Oriental cuisine use it as basic material, but they are getting more popular in almost every country in the world. However they often get in the centre of research due to their potentially good effects on health.

Healthy foodIt seems as though, they are actually gifts of nature, since beyond the fact that as foods they contain such valuable nutrients as good quality protein, Vitamins E and B, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, in many cases they can be of help to us.
The most examined algae are Spirulina and Chlorella vulgaris. Several research has shown their beneficent effects. Without demonstrating it in its fullness, let’s see the latest results.
Research proves that chlorella alga’s high iron, folic acid and Vitamin B 12 content can be effective against pregnancy anemia and it can prevent high blood pressure during pregnancy.

A research done in India showed that the extract of spirulina can help during the therapy in case ofarsenic poisoning, which is a great problem in the region. Fortunately, arsenic poisoning in Europe is infrequent, but the risk of the accumulation of heavy metal in our body is significant, especially for those living in big cities and industrial areas. Another series of test demonstrated exactly that alga is capable of clenching heavy metal (for example, a part of lead as well) in the body, thus it cannot be absorbed in the blood and can be depleted.

Apart from this, spirulina has such benevolent effects that have an impact on much more people than the above mentioned heavy metal poisoning. A six week long examination done on smoking men showed that the level of Vitamin C and E increased significantly in the blood of the group that consumed spirulina while the damage caused by free radicals decreased. Mirroring the results, scientists claim that spirulina can be an important part of a healthy, balanced diet especially for smokers and people living in smoggy areas.
Green food

The results were further confirmed by another research where the effects of spirulina were examined on rats with diabetes. The results show that it can decrease the blood-sugar level and it can also positively affect one’s weight. According to another examination, due to its high calcium level it can lessen the risk of osteoporosis, the side-effect of the products used during diabetes therapy, meanwhile it helps regularize hiperglykemia and hiperlipidemia.
Good news for athletes and those who want to lose weight that according to examinations, it not only increases fitness and lenghtens the feeling of fatigue, but fat loss increases as well, thus the usage of chlorella alga can contribute to reaching or keeping a healthy body weight.
Algae can be great additions to an alkalizing diet. Combining it with other alkalizing green plants (for example, broccoli, spinach, parsley, Aloe Vera, which as part of a balanced diet in themselves help support the appropriate functioning of the body and help prevent free radicals) can be exceptionally effective.
We can see how extensively spirulina and chlorella can be used whether we would like to amend our healthy diet or increase our achievements.
Six-week supplementation with Chlorella has favorable impact on antioxidant status in Korean male smokers - Sun Hee Lee M.S.a, Hae Jin Kang M.S.a, Hye-Jin Lee M.S., Nutrition Volume 26, Issue 2, February 2010, Pages 175-183
Chlorella pyrenoidosa Supplementation Reduces the Risk of Anemia, Proteinuria and Edema in Pregnant Women Shiro Nakano, Hideo Takekoshi and Masuo Nakano, PLANT FOODS FOR HUMAN NUTRITION (FORMERLY QUALITAS PLANTARUM)
Volume 65, Number 1, 25-30, DOI: 10.1007/s11130-009-0145-9
Ergogenic and Antioxidant Effects of Spirulina Supplementation in Humans - KALAFATI, MARIA1,2; JAMURTAS, ATHANASIOS Z.1,2; NIKOLAIDIS, MICHALIS G.1,2;, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: January 2010 - Volume 42 - Issue 1 - pp 142-151
Comparison between the effects of alcohol and hexane extract of spirulina in arsenic removal from isolated tissues - Saha SK, Misbahuddin M, Ahmed AU., Mymensingh Med J. 2010 Jan;19(1):27-31.
Alterations in beta-islets of Langerhans in alloxan-induced diabetic rats by marine Spirulina platensis - P. Muthuraman, R. Senthilkumar, K. Srikumar, December 2009, Vol. 24, No. 6 , Pages 1253-1256
Spirulina protects against Rosiglitazone induced osteoporosis in insulin resistance rats - Sumeet Guptaa, H.J. Hrishikeshvanb and Prabodh K. Sehajpal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Volume 87, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 38-43

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