Bee Power
Calivita Bee Power

For immunity
Royal Jelly
50 capsules
food supplement
If you believe in natural solutions, royal jelly extract is for you. Bees feed the queen-bee with this nutrient concentrate. This substance enables her to live as long as 3-4 years, while the life span of workers is only 4-6 weeks. The consumption of royal jelly concentrate is beneficial for humans as well.
50 capsules
food supplement
If you believe in natural solutions, royal jelly extract is for you. Bees feed the queen-bee with this nutrient concentrate. This substance enables her to live as long as 3-4 years, while the life span of workers is only 4-6 weeks. The consumption of royal jelly concentrate is beneficial for humans as well.
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13.50 €
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Bee Power - concentrated royal jelly for immunity
Bee Power
Royal jelly
Royal jelly is a milky white substance produced by worker bees from their pharyngeal secretion and is used as food for the queen bee and bee larvae. Each capsule contains 50 mg of high quality royal jelly concentrate.
To whom and when do we recommend it?
Capsules containing royal jelly
Royal Jelly Extract
If you believe in natural solutions, royal jelly is just for you. It is a concentrate of nutrients that allows a queen to survive for 3-4 years, while ordinary workers only 4-6 weeks. Royal Jelly Extract is a nutrient concentrate rich in vitamins, proteins and amino acids. Consuming royal jelly is very beneficial for humans. It is a great nutrient and strengthens the body's immune system.
Royal jelly
Royal jelly is the substance that worker bees feed the larvae and their queen which lays eggs. Perhaps this is the reason why Queen Bee is able to lay 1,000-1500 eggs a day and her life span is just as impressive. While workers live 4-6 weeks depending on the season, drones a maximum of 5 weeks, a queen can live up to 3-4 years! Royal jelly is the secretion of worker bees' throat glands with a very complex composition. It is a perfect supplement to the diet. There is a reason why it is very popular in many countries around the world. Bee Power supplements the diet with valuable royal jelly containing a standardized amount of HDA acids.
What royal jelly contains
Royal jelly is a nutrient, extremely rich in vitamins, proteins and amino acids. It is actually a special concentrate of nutrients that keeps the queen alive for over five years.
Royal jelly contains all the B vitamins, especially in high concentrations of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6. It is the only natural source of pure acetylcholine. It also contains minerals and vitamins A, C, D, E, enzymes, 18 different amino acids and substances that prevent the proliferation of bacteria and viruses.
How royal jelly works
Royal jelly is a perfect complement to a natural diet. It wonderfully supports the proper functioning of the immune system. Numerous experiences have confirmed its wide range of impact; the milk refreshes, revitalizes the body, and has general toning and condition-enhancing properties. It is also recommended for use in children with insufficiency, lack of energy, fussy eaters, dysbiosis and intestinal disorders. We know from experience that royal jelly revives, almost revives the body. It keeps the bone system and joints healthy. They can be taken regardless of age and gender. No wonder that royal jelly is known and appreciated in many countries of the world.
Royal jelly:
- helps with asthma,
- liver disease
- bone fractures,
- joint diseases,
- skin diseases,
- clearly strengthens the immune system.
Who do we recommend royal jelly to?
- People looking for natural body strengthening.
- People who want to supplement their daily diet with valuable royal jelly.
Interesting facts about royal jelly
Did you know that ... royal jelly is considered a natural aphrodisiac?
food supplement Calivita: Bee Power
50 capsules 27 g
Take 1 capsule daily with water before meal.
Bee Power ingredients
Ingredients in 1 capsule (=serving size):
Royal jelly concentrate (6% HDA) equivalent to 150 mg royal jelly
50 mg
Rice flour, gelatin, royal jelly concentrate.
Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.
Produced for: CaliVita International B.V. Beursplein 37, 3001 DC Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Net quantity: 50 capsules, 27 g
Best before: see side of pack.
- You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.
- Supplementation with royal jelly or bee pollen is not recommended for people with hay fever or any other allergies. If an allergic reaction develops while taking any product, stop use immediately and see a doctor.
- Keep in a cool, dry place.
- Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
- Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
- Keep out of reach of young children.
Keywords: Bee Power, Calivita, asthma, fractures, joints, skin, immune system, appetite
5 Things You Did not Know about royal jelly
To refresh your knowledge
If you believe in natural solutions, royal jelly extract is for you. Bees feed the queen-bee with this nutrient concentrate. The consumption of royal jelly concentrate is beneficial for humans as well.
Royal jelly is a milky-white, jelly-like mucus, which is synthesized in the pharyngeal glands of worker bees. With this secret they feed their young and mostly the queen bee. Thanks to this substance queen bee is able to lay her eggs 1000-1500 daily and unlike "workers" who live only a few weeks, she lives about 3 to 5 years. From a chemical point of view, royal jelly emulsion is water-based, which is composed of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and several other ingredients. Studies of its effects continue today. Here we should focus our attention on some lesser-known research results.
Honey bees use pollen and a special secretion from glands in their head, to produce a nutrient rich substance called royal jelly. Royal jelly is fed to all larvae in the hive to provide nutritional support for rapid growth, but it also is used to trigger the morphology that turns a regular larva into a queen bee. If a larva receives royal jelly exclusively from the time of hatching, and in large quantities, it becomes a queen bee. Unlike worker bees that live, on average, for four to six weeks, a queen bee can live for three to five years, and in that time produce hundreds of thousands of eggs. A testament to the exceptional nutrition the queen bee receives is the fact that, in a single day, she can lay more than her own body weight in eggs.
5 benefits of using royal jelly
1. Japanese scientists have observed that purified royal jelly is similar to the substances in the body that stimulates the production of factors responsible for the synthesis of collagen. Research scientists prove that royal jelly stimulates the production of collagen in the skin.
Identification of factors stimulating the production of collagen derived from an extract of royal jelly and possible mechanisms of action). Identification of a collagen production-promoting factor from an extract of royal jelly and its possible mechani. Koya-Miyata et al, Fujisaki Institute, Japan, BioSci BioTechnol BioChem. 2004 Apr; 68 (4): 767-73.
2. Anti-inflammatory action of royal jelly it is proven in the study cell. The anti-inflammatory action of royal jelly was discovered by Japanese researchers.
Royal jelly suppresses production of proinflammatory cytokines by activated macrophages.
Royal Jelly inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines by activated macrophages. Kohno et al, Fujisaki Institute, Japan. BioSci BioTechnol BioChem. 2004 Jan; 68 (1): 138-45.
3. Anti-inflammatory action of royal jelly, shown in cell research. The anti-inflammatory action of royal jelly was discovered by Japanese researchers.
Royal jelly inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines by activated macrophages. Royal Jelly inhibits the production of proinflammatory cytokines by activated macrophages. Kohno et al, Fujisaki Institute, Japan. BioSci BioTechnol BioChem. 2004 Jan; 68 (1): 138-45.
4. Royal Jelly reduces physical exhaustion. In a study, researchers put mice to swim in a pool with adjustable flow. They found that mice fed with proteins derived from bee jelly, accumulate much less lactate in serum, suggesting that royal jelly reduces physical exhaustion.
Increase the tone effect of fresh royal jelly in mice. Antifatique effect of fresh royal jelly in mice. Kamakura et al, Pola Co., Japan. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2001 Dec; 47 (6): 394-401.
5. Royal jelly has an antibacterial effect. In 2004 in Brazil, R. Fontana and coworkers identified four peptides in royal jelly, which have antimicrobial activity.
Family of antimicrobial peptides from royal jelly of bees. Jelleines; a family of antimicrobial peptides from the royal jelly of honeybees. Peptides. 2004 Jun; 25 (6): 919-28.
Royal jelly contains many substances that are beneficial for human health. It is rich in quality protein, containing all 18 amino acids. It also contains simple carbohydrates, B-complex vitamins, trace minerals and enzymes, and helps support a healthy immune system with antibiotic components. It is also source of acetylcholine, a key compound in the proper functioning of the central nervous system.
The density of nutrients in royal jelly help support optimum health and vitality, and it is suitable for those wishing to follow a natural diet.
Reviews on Calivita Bee Power
A child can not be poisoned with antibiotics
Dear Readers,
Calivita jelly (Bee Power) was the lifeline for immunity of my 4-year-old girl. Until January this year, was constantly ailing, continuous high fever, sore throat, cough, and antibiotics are the only order. As soon as one treatment was finished, after 10 days was followed by another and so on. And then the royal jelly like scissors cut this tape.
In the beginning, the first 7 days, we gave her one capsule a day, and then every other day, and so the entire January. We still occasionally gave her royal jelly for several days to keep her immunity. We even took her to the sea. The result is seen very quickly and even if something came up and took her briefly with a slightly elevated temperatre, nose is a little runny and that was it. We are very satisfied and happy about the fact that our child is healthy and that we do not have poisoning antibiotics.
Martina Satnica, Đakovačka
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