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Calivita VitalWoman
For women
60 tablets

food supplement

performance enhancer for women

The formula contains herbs that have been used in popular medicine for centuries, and are high in vitamins and minerals; their other active agents effectively support the healthy, vital processes of the female body.
Quantity in stock: 9
26.90 €
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cardio exercises

VitalWoman - Damiana leaf, Maca root, Sarsaparilla, guarana - energy and libido for women

performance enhancer for women

To whom and when do we recommend it?

Improve your libido and natural sexual activity

A modern woman is also trying to live up to the expectations as a businesswoman, housewife, mother, wife. This is a huge burden for the body of the fair sex. As a result, most of the ladies are constantly exhausted and irritable.

How is this manifested? She slowly loses her patience with children, at work she lacks strength and has difficulty concentrating, and in the evening she is so exhausted that she does not feel like any pleasure or sensations and falls exhausted next to her husband. However, it does not have to be this way!

Don't give up on your own pleasures! Feel vitality and satisfaction throughout the day!
And this despite the day's full schedule. VitalWoman will help you with this.

How do the active ingredients of VitalWoman work?

  • They will have a positive effect on the physical and mental state of your body, taking care to maintain its balance, so that you do not experience moments of doubt and low well-being (Maca root, Damiana leaf, Sum root)
  • They will improve your libido and natural sexual activity, making you regain the joy of moments spent in the bedroom (Damiana leaf, Maca root)
  • Take care of the urinary system (Sarsaparilla root, saw palmetto berries)
  • They help to control body weight by reducing appetite (Damiana leaf) and positively influencing fat metabolism (guarana seeds)

Research shows that people who love each other more often live longer and are happier. What's more, while playing in bed, you can burn extra calories, which will surely benefit your figure.

Who do we recommend VitalWoman to?

Women who want:
  • take care of the proper libido and support sexual activity;
  • increase the desire for love games with your loved one, especially in the perimenopausal period, when the hormones are going crazy;
  • reduce the impact of stress on the body;
  • help you lose unnecessary kilograms;
  • enhance the physical and mental performance of the body.

Did you know that ... Damiana leaf, Maca root, and Unicorn root are considered aphrodisiacs?

food supplement Calivita: VitalWoman

60 tablets


1-2 tablets daily with meals

VitalWoman active ingredients

Damiana Leaf Powder 125 mg
Guarana extract (3:1, std. 22% caffeine) 100 mg
Suma Root Powder 100 mg
Maca Root Powder 100 mg
Saw Palmetto Berries Powder 50 mg
Sarsaparilla Root Powder 50 mg
Catuaba Berries Powder 25 mg

Inactive ingredients
Calcium carbonate, microcrystalline cellulose, pharmaceutical glaze, stearic acid, silica.

  • You should consult with a qualified medical practitioner, before taking any supplement.
  • This product contains stimulants. As such, you should not take it if you have high blood pressure, any kind of cardiovascular condition, if you suffer from hypertension or headaches, or have trouble sleeping. If you are not sure, consult with your doctor before taking this product.
  • Do not exceed the recommended daily intake.
  • Food supplements cannot substitute for a balanced mixed diet.
  • Keep out of reach of young children.

Keywords: VitalWoman, Calivita, vitamins for women

Aphrodisiac for women


The formula contains herbs that have been used in popular medicine for centuries, and are high in vitamins and minerals; their other active agents effectively support the healthy, vital processes of the female body.

Nowadays, constant stress, overexertion and tension, bad mood, and decreased sexual desire and activity are common reasons to complain. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the lack of the so-called "Full nutrition" necessary to maintain our physical and mental balance. "Complete nutrition" is the result of the interplay of three factors: "physical nutrition", "energy nutrition" and "emotional nutrition". "Energy food" means the relationship between the environment and people. Negative influences at this level also disturb the elements of "emotional nourishment" that are provided by our family, friends, cultural experiences, physical activity, and by our inner emotional life fulfilled in a partner relationship.

To avoid energy deficiency situations, certain plant components are used in every culture.

They have an impact not only on the level of "physical nutrition", but also contribute significantly to maintaining the balance between these three factors.
Thanks to the use of knowledge from various scientific sources, excellent preparations, such as for example VitalWoman, are already available. Its plant ingredients strengthen the general well-being and condition of the body, while supporting the sphere of intimate life.

Several South American shrubs, such as damiana, catauba, and maca (sometimes referred to as “Peruvian ginseng”), have been used for thousands of years by indigenous people of the Amazonian basin to help enhance sexual desire. Modern science has discovered that these plants contain many essential oils, plant sterols, and unique alkaloids that may account for their reported enhancing effect on sexual vitality and performance. Guarana contains the stimulant caffeine, which may have a positive influence on stamina and physical performance. Unicorn root contains a saponin that is a precursor to the female hormone estrogen. Another plant that may provide nutritional support for normal, healthy estrogen levels issuma (Pfaffia paniculata).

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