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Ingredients contained in these products have a positive effect on the liver
Products available in the global Calivita International network, may not be available in all countries. Calivita products list is for informational purposes only! Represents the most appropriate supplements to support the body's functions for a given ailment. None of the products, or product ingredients referred to herein are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease, or medical condition. No statement, claim, opinion or information relating to any product, or product ingredient is intended to be, nor should be construed as medical advice.
Lecithin protects liver, prevents the formation of gallstones
Lecithin supplementation favorably affects detoxification and regeneration of the liver. Lecithin is responsible for the solubility of cholesterol in the bile and protects against the formation of gallstones.

Choline is a lipotropic agent, which reduces deposition and accelerates the removal of fat from the liver.

Lecithin inhibits fat accumulation in the liver, thus reducing the harmful fatness and helps to restore the correct functions

Lecithin inhibits fat accumulation in the liver, thus reducing the harmful fatness and helps to restore the correct functions

Lecithin supplementation favorably affects detoxification and regeneration of liver

Lecithin supplementation is helpful in the treatment of various liver diseases, eg. Inflammation, cirrhosis and hepatic steatosis.

Choline and inositol protect the liver from damage caused by a number of harmful factors such as alcohol, certain medications, toxins or viruses

Lecithin is responsible for the solubility of cholesterol in the bile and protects against the formation of gallstones

Biological membranes of hepatocytes at 65% are composed of phospholipids, of which approximately 40% is phosphatidylcholine.
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