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Fiber - properties, application and dosage

Natural Calivita products
Published by Calivita Partner in Digestive Health · 15 January 2024
Tags: fiber

What is fiber and what is its importance for our body?

Fiber is a complex polysaccharide that passes through the digestive tract without being absorbed or broken down by the body.

Two types of fiber

We distinguish between soluble and insoluble fiber.

Pure Inulin contains 100% pure inulin powder obtained from chicory, which supports the proper functioning of the intestines. The uniqueness of this water-soluble fiber is that it reaches the large intestine in an unchanged form and thus provides a suitable environment for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria, which prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria, additionally reduces the production of toxic substances, supports the health of the digestive and immune systems.

Insoluble fiber forms a mass in the intestines. It consists of lignin, hemicellulose and cellulose, which are not a source of energy. This speeds up the passage of food through the intestines, increases the volume of the stool and facilitates its excretion. These effects of fiber are extremely important for human health. Sources of insoluble fiber include whole grains, brown rice, cereals, potatoes, bean pods and carrots.


Does fiber lower blood sugar and cholesterol?

Water-soluble fiber has the ability to absorb water and therefore ferments in the digestive tract, so it can be a source of energy. Positively affects the metabolism of sugars. This effect is used as an adjunct to diabetes treatment. All forms of water-soluble fiber are distinguished by their ability to effectively lower cholesterol levels.

The source of soluble fiber are mainly fruits, i.e. bananas, apples and berries such as currants, gooseberries, grapes. It is also found in seaweed, algae and mushrooms, including the famous oyster mushroom.

Beneficial effects of fiber. How fiber works and how to use it.

Another important property of fiber is bowel cleansing. Its abundance in the diet is an appropriate prevention of colorectal cancer. In addition, by removing bile acids from the body, it prevents the formation of gallstones. It also reduces the level of fats and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. By taking fiber, the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases and the level of "good" cholesterol increases.

Fiber in weight loss

Fiber is also important in weight loss as it reduces food intake and energy efficiency. Thanks to its ability to increase volume and excellent viscosity, it helps to regulate the feeling of satiety. After eating food containing fiber, the feeling of satiety lasts longer. Fiber slows down gastric emptying and mechanically prevents enzymes from accessing nutrients. Fiber prevents overeating by increasing the feeling of satiety. The actual daily intake of fiber in our population is between 15 and 18 g. However, the recommended daily amount of fiber is as much as 30 g.

What else should we know about fiber?

Vegetarians consume the most fiber, but they must remember that with excessive long-term consumption of fiber, the body needs an increased amount of essential minerals. Fiber binds minerals and limits their sufficient absorption and use in the body.

But excessive fiber intake is unnecessary and may even be counterproductive. With high daily doses of fiber, the ability to absorb mainly calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium decreases.

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