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Natural vitamin C with bioflavonoids not only for immunity

Natural Calivita products
Published by Calivita Partner in Immune Support · 11 December 2023
Tags: vitaminCbioflavonoidsimmunity
The pleasant summer weather left us here long ago, the cold winds are already blowing. As the weather gets harsher, so do colds, colds and other viral diseases. It's important to dress in layers and pay attention, but more importantly: prevention.

Why is the immune system more sensitive to cold?

At the end of the year, there are more tasks both at work and in the family, there is more physical and mental stress, which can also weaken the body, making it more vulnerable to various bacteria and viruses.

Did you know that in the summer we only have about a 25% chance of catching a cold, but in severe weather conditions the probability of catching a cold increases to over 50%. Why does every third person cough and sneeze with the onset of cold weather? The explanation is in the air.

In winter, the air is clean, it is pleasant to breathe the gentle, if somewhat astringent, cool air, but at the same time full of pathogens. This is because the sun's UV radiation, which keeps them at bay in the summer, has diminished. Thanks to this, each cold day is another test for our body.

take care of immunity in winter

Vitamin C - properties

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that performs important functions in the body, such as triggering antioxidant processes and supporting iron absorption. Vitamin C contributes to the maintenance of healthy blood vessels, bones, teeth, gums, skin and heart, and improves the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria and viruses. Adequate levels of vitamin C are necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system and for the formation of collagen, one of the important building blocks of arteries, while reducing arterial inflammation. A recently published study reports that the risk of heart disease is lower the higher the level of vitamin C in the blood is. This result confirms our more than 50 years of knowledge that vitamin C plays an important role in maintaining cardiovascular health. According to another study, high levels of vitamin C in the blood plasma reduce the risk of stroke by 50%.

In the 15th and 16th centuries, a disease called scurvy was responsible for the mass death of sailors. British naval surgeon James Lind selected 12 men from one ship, all suffering from scurvy. He divided them into 6 pairs and gave each pair a different fruit for their daily diet. Those who received citrus fruits experienced remarkable recovery. We now know that this disease develops in the presence of long-term vitamin C deficiency.

Several people have tried to isolate vitamin C, but Albert Szent-Györgyi happened to be the first to succeed. At first he didn't pay much attention to vitamins, he found them uninteresting, "vitamin" means to eat, and matters related to food should be dealt with only by cooks. Nevertheless, in 1928, working in the laboratory of Frederick Hopkins, Szent-Györgyi isolated a sugar-like molecule from the adrenal glands and citrus fruits, and for the next few years campaigned throughout Europe with vitamin C, claiming that it could be considered an effective preventive or curative drug colds and other diseases. His work was recognized in 1937 with the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology.

Support your body with vitamin C and bioflavonoids!

Flavonoids play an important role in plant physiology, including pigmentation, taste, growth, reproduction, protection against pathogens and UV radiation. Because they are phytochemicals, humans or animals cannot synthesize them, but if they eat plants, they are also very useful to them, primarily due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Consuming bioflavonoids can make a huge difference even in childhood. They support the optimal functioning of the child's immune system and support the use of vitamin C. Thanks to the antiviral and antibacterial properties, they have an effective preventive effect, especially from the point of view of community children. Its anti-allergic effect is also important from childhood throughout life.


Their consumption is also useful for young people who often eat the often unhealthy food from fast food restaurants, because flavonoids lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, while raising HDL cholesterol, thus contributing to high cholesterol, which often develops at a young age. Even at a young age, varicose veins are a common ailment. Because flavonoid molecules are able to reduce the permeability of the damaged vessel wall, stabilizing the vessel wall and thus significantly reducing its susceptibility, thus alleviating the symptoms of e.g. varicose veins.

Hypertension and atherosclerosis become more common with age. We now know that flavonoids have a proven positive effect on the cardiovascular system by lowering cholesterol levels and thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Flavonoids increase the stability of the blood vessel lining and may reduce its stiffness. They inhibit the adhesion and precipitation of platelets and reduce the formation of blood clots. They also contribute to the prevention of long-term complications of diabetes. Due to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, they have many positive physiological effects, which is why they are recommended to be consumed throughout life.

Calivita products with vitamin C and bioflavonoids

Bioflavonoids and other compounds found in food, fresh fruit and vegetables that facilitate the absorption of vitamin C, are the so-called. Forming complex C, they are really healthy. However, the amount of vitamins needed to fight diseases is not always covered by our daily diet, especially in winter. A healthy diet can provide the body with several hundred mg of vitamin C per day. An extremely strict diet can already provide much more - 2000 - 3000 mg - of vitamin C per day, but this diet is not acceptable or sustainable for most people in the long run, so carefully selected dietary supplements may be an alternative.

Liquid C is a product containing vitamin C, bioflavonoids and rosehips, which is sweetened with organic agave syrup, but does not contain artificial colors or added sugars. Created for those who are looking not only for comprehensive antioxidant protection, but also prefer liquid dietary supplements.

The product C 1000 Plus Calivita is, in turn, a dietary supplement in tablets with prolonged release, which contains 1000 mg of natural vitamin C obtained from citrus. C 1000 Plus, in addition to vitamin C, contains organic wild rose fruit rich in bioflavonoids, which increase the effectiveness of vitamin C.

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